War Survivors

Les Survivants du Chemin de Croix

“My figures speak of love, maternity and death. But also about water, air and fire, the vital elements which are strongly linked or otherwise dissociated. Love is this desire to inflame (fire) the heart and this passion attaches us to life and therefore to the air that we breathe and to the water… We deliver a child with pain so said God, so we need a lot of love to conceive and hold a child (hence the theme of maternity). Without love, the being perishes, dries up and therefore we will lack water, air and energy (fire). It brings death and when I say death I am also speaking about the death of the soul, of the child that we kill with a stupid aggression, of the youth losing its sensibility, of old age which reaches desperation. It can also be ruin, the death of freedom and suffocation.”

Greta Naufal

“[…] Greta Naufal traces often the same image which is never identical, the same painting which seems to be never completed, Seeking emotions rather than landscapes, her works are comparable to big screams which carry much fragility – there is something which guarantees sincerity in her art. […] A message to denounce violence, injustice, fanatism and indifference but also a scream of love in this world left to the irrational. A testimony of universal reach.”

May Makarem, ‘The unreal daily experience of Greta Naufal’, L’Orient-Le-Jour 15/04/1986